Proposals for a well functioning labour market Post-Covid

Aussteller: Eurofound

Daphne Ahrendt, Senior Research Manager: „Living and working during COVID-19 – How do Europeans fare in the crisis?“

With the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, Eurofound launched a large-scale survey among Europeans to explore their situation and sentiments. The short intervention will provide an overview of the first two waves of the survey (spring and summer 2020), giving information on how citizens, employees and self-employed across the Member States do during the crisis. The data allow to flag some policy issues to be aware of to maintain well-functioning societies and labour markets.

John Hurley, Senior Research Manager: „Teleworking during COVID crisis and telework ability“

While teleworking is not a new phenomenon, the large-scale ‘natural experiment’ caused by the COVID-19 pandemic created impetus for new policy discussions. To inform policymakers, employers and employees on the issue, this short intervention will summarise the advantages and disadvantages of flexible and remote working identified in recent Eurofound research, as well as an overview of the regulations and discussions related to the ‘Right to Disconnect’.

Irene Mandl, Head of Employment: „Platform work in Europe – How will it look like in 2030?“

For about a decade, platform work – the online matching of supply and demand for paid labour – has been increasing in Europe and at least in some Member States is intensively discussed due to the potential negative effects on working conditions and the labour market. The COVID-19 pandemic has had diverging effects on different types of platform workers, but clearly hinted towards the need for policy intervention to ensure decent work and employment. While the future of this employment form is unclear, particularly in the current situation of high uncertainty driven by the health crisis, this short intervention will present recent Eurofound research on potential development pathways of platform work until 2030, including policy pointers to facilitate a desirable and to avoid an undesirable future.





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